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Zoom Fellowship Tonight?

Hey Joey, Can't find your email and sorry for the last minute reach out. I had wrote down the date Thursday August 3rd @7:30 cst. I haven’t heard anyone mentioning it. Are we on for zoom at this link? Cheers Kevin

The remarkable event Thursday June 1st

Hey Brother Joey; we are going to meet on Zoom next Thursday evening, correct? What will the format be? What will we be discussing? It helps me to have an idea so that I might be prepared........then again, i can def do spontaneity! Thanks

Are you getting this?

Hey my brother; Do you read the comments i sometimes leave under the episodes here? I'm not seeing anyone else doing that. e.g., i just amen'ed your declaration in episode 54. Just thats not true - i really need to know :) Thanks brother

No zoom apparently

Hey Joey; I found the zoom link for that one and only group i joined and clicked it - i'm not getting in, sigh. it sure is a long wait for one meet a month. I really do want to fellowship with you folks.

Are we zooming tonight?

No email came so i was wondering. thanks